- Conceptual design and implementation of a system for continuous measurement of gases (CO, NO2, O2) and air flow in a pit, Sasa Mine, 2024
- Transboundary Air Pollution Health Index Development and Implementation, TRAP-CN1-SO2.3.-SC030 financed by the Interreg IPA CBC Programme Reference: CCI: 2014TC16I5CB009, implemented by the Centre for climate change, (2021)
- Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the deposits adhering to the human skin exposed to urban air pollution: an international multicenter study, European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Lugano, Switzerland, (2020)
- Sampling and Analyses of Asbestos content in solid samples (rock samples), NOTUS Energy Kosovo L.L.C, (2020 – 2022)
- Analyses of Chrysotile content using X-ray Diffractometer and Scanning Electron Misroscope, July 2020
- Utilizing Pay as You Throw Systems and Autonomous Composting Units for Biowastes Management in Touristic Areas” BIOWASTE, Expert under WP3 in Interreg BalkanMed 2014-2020 program, (2017-2020)
- Personal exposure to dust and free silicon dioxide; – Program for continuous monitoring, SHARCEM Cementara Kosovo, TITAN Group, (2019 – ongoing)
- Monitoring of air pollution from traffic in the City of Skopje, (2018)
- Ambient air quality monitoring – suspended solid particles, fraction PM10 in Stip, Kavadarci and Strumica, (2017 – ongoing)
- Ambient air quality monitoring – suspended solid particles, fraction PM10 near Borov Dol, (2017- ongoing)
- Personal exposure to CO, NO2 and dust in Cementara Kosjeric, TITAN Group, Republic of Serbia (2017- ongoing)
- Personal exposure to CO, NO2 and dust in ANTEA Cement, TITAN Group, Republic of Albania, 2017-2019
- Preparation of necessary documents for the establishment of an Integrated and financially self-sustainable waste management system in the Pelagonia, Southwest, Vardar and Skopje regions for the identification of localities and geological studies “(EuropeAid / 136347 / IH / SER / MK), a project financed by the EU implemented by ENVIROPLAN SA in consortium with C & E Consulting und Engineering GmbH – BT Engineering Ltd, 2017
- Preparation of necessary documents for the establishment of an integrated and financially self-sustainable system for waste management in the Pelagonia, Southwest, Vardar and Skopje regions “(EuropeAid / 136347 / IH / SER / MK), an EU-funded project implemented by ENVIROPLAN SA in a consortium with C & E Consulting und Engineering GmbH – BT Engineering Ltd, 2016
- Monitoring of personal exposure to respirable dust of the population in urban areas in Tetovo and Skopje, MOEPP, 2016
- Monitoring and mapping of noise levels in urban areas, a project financed by the MOEPP – 2016
- Monitoring of ambient air quality – suspended solid particles, fraction PM10 in the vicinity of the Sasa Mine, (2016 – ongoing)
- Monitoring of ambient air quality – suspended solid particles, fraction PM10 in the surroundings of Cementarnica Usje, TITAN Group, Skopje (2016 – ongoing)
- Monitoring of personal exposure to CO, NO2 and dust in Cementarnica Usje Skopje, TITAN Group (2016 – ongoing)
- Guidelines for preparation of Municipal waste programmes and Waste Reporting within Project STRENGTHENING CAPACITIES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION AT LOCAL LEVEL, EuropeAid/134079/D/SER/MK, Ramboll and its consortium partners (2016)
- Study for hazardous waste management (collection, treatment and disposal) in Macedonia as a part of project MAK-12/002 “Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control”, financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, implemented by Centre for Climate Change and Norsk Energi in cooperation with MOEPP, Norsk Energi, (2014)
- Noise control study in the vicinity of SHARRCEM Cement, Kosovo, TITAN Group. Survey of main noise sources and action plan (recommendations and prioritization), 2014
- Preparation of regional waste management plans and strategic environmental assessments for the eastern and northeastern regions “(EuropeAid / 130400 / D / SER / MK), an EU-funded project implemented by ENVIROPLAN SA in a consortium with C & E Consulting und Engineering GmbH – BT Engineering Ltd, 2013
- Feasibility study for the elimination of hazardous waste from the TPP Oslomej landfill, funded by Norsk Energy, Norway, 2013
- Feasibility study for the elimination of hazardous waste from the TPP Bitola landfill, financed by Norsk Energy, Norway, 2013
- Study on the treatment and handling of hazardous waste. Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Project in Macedonia, implemented by Norsk Energy and the Centre for Climate Change in Macedonia, 2013
- Noise control study in the surroundings of Cementarnica Usje, Skopje, TITAN Group. Survey of main noise sources and action plan (recommendations and prioritization), 2013
- Mineral waste management plan for surface mines in Cementarnica Usje Skopje, TITAN Group, 2014 – ongoing
- Waste Management Plan of mineral resources for SASA, lead and zinc mine, Makedonska Kamenica, A-category facility, 2014-ongoing
- Preparation of regional waste management plans and strategic environmental assessments for east and north-east regions” (EuropeAid/130400/D/SER/MK), EU funded project implemented by ENVIROPLAN S.A. in consortium with C&E Consulting und Engineering GmbH – BT Engineering Ltd, Bulgaria 2012-2013
- Feasibility study on elimination of hazardous waste from landfill of REK Bitola and REK Oslomej, implemented by Norsk Energy, Norway, 2013
- Miner’s exposure to Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Dioxide in Underground Metallic Mines in Macedonia, Sasa Mine ltd, 2012-2013, Principal Investigator, 2012-2013
- Feasibility Study – Lece Mine, Medvedje Serbia, FARMAKOM, 2012, Mine ventilation and Health and Safety Planning, 2012-2013
- Exposure to noise in schools and urban areas, measurement and modelling techniques, AMBICON, UGD, 2011-2012
- ILOVICA Conceptual Study – Optimization Model, Euromax Resources, January 2012
- Environmental impact assessment in Cu and Au mines in Ilovica Euromax Resources, 2011
- Activities for technical design and remediation in the Artana Mine Kosovo, UNDP Kosovo, 2007-2010
- Activities for technical design and remediation in the Artana Mine Kosovo, UNDP Kosovo, 2007-2010
- Activities for technical design and remediation in the Artana Mine, Kosovo, UNDP Kosovo, 2007-2010
- Technical design and remediation activities in the Lojane Mine – OSH Plan – UNDP R. Macedonia, 2007-2010
- Anthropogenic effects on the human environment in the Neogene basins in the SE Europe University “Goce Delcev”-Stip, Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences and National UNESCO-IGCP Committee, Republic of Macedonia, 2008-2012
- Environmental impact assessment for Ljubosh open pit mine – TITAN Usje, 2007
- Environmental impact assessment for Usje open pit mine – TITAN Usje, 2007
- Environmental impact assessment for Govrlevo open pit mine – TITAN Usje, 2007
- Environmental impact assessment for Bucim open pit mine, Radovis – Bucim DOOEL, 2007
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